Keep On Moving

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hump Day Inspiration #1

Hello All, happy hump day! If you don't know what that means its just a phrase for Wednesday because it is the middle of the week and your getting over the hump.. Get it? lol. Anywho, now that we're done with the learning lesson I am considering doing a hump day inspiration series. I want to do this because I know everyone's week starts off differently. For some it may start off excellent and hopefully end that way and for others the complete different. So by me doing these Wednesday inspiration post hopefully it will keep those who are having a great week to continue on that way and for the people who may been having an alright week but it did a u-turn hopefully my few suggestions or insightful words will change it around so here goes.

Working on that huge assignment that is due in a few days, worrying about finding a new job, worrying about having money to pay this bill or that bill..... this can all take a toll on a person. Have you ever tried to take a deep breath and take your mind to another place? Try thinking about laying on a cozy couch with your comfiest clothes on listening to your favorite jazz musician. just writing about that made me relaxed. =] another idea is to think with the end in mind. This means that when your dealing with a hard project and you feel defeated by the task take a minute and say to yourself what you want to come out of it. Do you want an A? would you want praise from it because it was completed so diligently? Then say it, think it, and do it. Its simple SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE!!  With whatever it maybe. I hope you enjoyed this Hump Day Inspiration talk to you next Wed. until be blessed and enjoy that image of success. -AjaHoney


  1. Thank you for this post I had a beet-up day yesterday and reading this totally got me back on track!!! You make me so proud to call you my babie sis!!! I love you!!

    1. aww im glad it did and that your one of my older sisters. I LOVE YOU TOO. hope you enjoy the rest to come

  2. Lord knows I am glad with happiness and PROUD that YOU are one of my daughters!! This was special! I Love YOU!!! YO MAMA
